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For all student and parents: To enroll at La Paz Middle School, you must live within the school attendance boundaries. If you are not sure, please call me to determine your school attendance. Once you have determined that La Paz Middle School is your home school, you will need the following to enroll.

  • Proof of Residence: At least one proof of residence is require to enroll, for 7 th graders and for 8 th graders 3 proofs of address, and it has to be a current utility bill (ex. gas, water, PG and E), also mortgage or lease agreement. These items must be in the parent/guardian’s name.
  • Birth Certificate: All students are enrolled with their legal name as it appears on their birth certificate (copy or original).
  • Immunization Record: It has to be a CA card and all immunizations must be up-to- date. California Law now requires all students to have proof of pertussis/whopping cough (Tdap) shot.
  • Withdrawal from Previous school: This should show your withdrawal grades.
  • Standardized Test Scores: If you are coming from another CA middle school, please provide a copy of you student’s scores from any State test your student has taken (ex. SBAC and CELDT).
  • Special Education: If your student has been identified as a special education student, please provide a copy of the last IEP (Individual Education Plan) or Section 504 Plan.

Once you have the required information for enrollment, please bring them to Sandra Perez, registrar, during school hours and remember you will also need to complete the enrollment packet.
Para los papás y estudiantes que no hablan inglés, me pueden hablar al número de teléfono que está arriba para ayudarles mejor.


831.796.7900 ext. 8413